Monday, December 1, 2008

Insightful Job Seeker Quick Tip: Voice Mail/Answering Machines

Insightful Job Seeker Quick Tip: Voice Mail/Answering Machines
  • Update the greeting on your voice mail/answering machine.
    • As cute as your daughter’s voice on the machine sounds and as funny as your son gargling the “hello” message may be, it’s not the appropriate message for potential employers to reach.
  • Record a professional message that includes at least your last name if not your full name --- this way the caller is assured they have reached the correct number and can leave a more detailed message.
  • Check your messages regularly and respond to recruiters within within 24 hours.
  • If the line prospective employers are calling is shared with other family members set up a system for handling messages about job opportunities so you don't miss out!
  • You’d think this one would go without saying .......but I’ve had it happen..... do NOT answer the phone if you’ve been drinking may be the recruiting you’ve been hoping would call!

May all your Endeavors be Insightful,

Nora A Burns, SPHR

Nora A Burns, SPHR is Founder and President of Insightful Endeavors International, Inc. Over her twenty year career in human resources and organizational development she has interviewed and hired thousands of individuals across a variety of industries.

Insightful Endeavors International, Inc specializes in Leadership Development and Team Development --- building sustainable, innovative teams to drive bottom-line results. We are based in Denver, CO and work internationally.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Insightful Job Seeker Quick Tip: Email Addresses

Today’s Job Seeker Tip: E-mail addresses

Over the course of my career I have been absolutely SHOCKED by the email addresses people use during their job search.

It is NOT appropriate to have an email address such as.......


.....listed on your resume/application.

Not the way to make a great first impression.

Yahoo, hotmail and gmail accounts FREE and take less than fifteen minutes to set up. Set one up using your name or name and profession..........


You want the person screening resumes/applications to say “Hey! Look at this one” because of the content -- not because they are laughing and wondering WHAT you were thinking!

May all your Endeavors be Insightful,

Nora A Burns, SPHR

Nora A Burns, SPHR is Founder and President of Insightful Endeavors International, Inc. Over her twenty year career in human resources and organizational development she has interviewed and hired thousands of individuals across a variety of industries.

Monday, November 24, 2008

FISH!® Principles in Everyday Life!

Imagine you are sitting on a plane..... you have the aisle seat and the person sitting in the window seat has taken his place. The plane is filling with travelers ..... the flight attendant’s voice fills the aircraft announcing the flight will be full. As passengers load you continue to check for eye contact with those approaching your aisle........which one will request to get past you to that middle seat...... The flow of passengers is slowing...... The attendant is looking down the jet-bridge.......

The man sitting in the window seat looks over.....having read your mind he knows you’re hoping for the extra space afforded travelers with an empty seat next to them.....he says “won’t happen.....I am the unluckiest guy on the planet”. You pause....then reply “well, I lead a particularly charmed life so I’d say together we’re still luckier than not....there is hope!”

He is not to be convinced.

Then, that fabulous hear the door latch. YES! You smile. He shrugs and comments that he’ll need to buy a lotto ticket when we land.

Fast forward fifteen minutes. We’re still on the tarmac.....the pilot’s voice fills the aircraft announcing we are in line for de-icing and it will be another five to ten minutes.

“See?!?” says the man by the window ..... “Told you I’m unlucky.”

“How so?”

The man looks dumbfounded “We’re just sitting here!”

“But we’re lucky they are de-icing the plane”

He looks more dumfounded than before.

“Well, if the crew skipped de-icing just to get out on time we’d likely crash.....we’re lucky to have a trained crew who puts out safety first!”

He smiles ....... he laughs.....and he has an “ah-ha” moment. Life truly IS what we make it. “I’ve never thought of it that way before --- I’m going to start putting things into that perspective”. Another smile. And in the moment he was Choosing His of the key principles of FISH!

What attitude have YOU chosen today?

May all your Endeavors be Insightful,

Nora A Burns, SPHR

Nora A Burns, SPHR is Founder and Head Marlin of Insightful Endeavors International, Inc. She is a road-warrior, working with companies and associations across the globe to build sustainable, innovative teams that drive bottom-line results. When not traveling to work with clients on building sustainable, innovative teams, Nora lives in Denver, CO.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

From the Home Office in Denver, CO....the TOP TEN LIST!

Top 10 Reasons to Attend the CHRA Annual Conference “RECRUIT, RETAIN, REWARD: The Three Rs of Strategic HR Leadership” in Denver on January 23, 2009:

10. You deserve a day away from office politics—and you’ll earn PHR/SPHR credit to boot!
Dealing with employee issues day in, day out…you need some professional development “Me Time”! If you’re working on your certification or recertification efforts, you’ll also have the opportunity for 5.5 hours of valuable content towards your requirements. (Plus, you’ve always wanted to see INVESCO Field in the light of day without all those football players running around.)

9. It’s your chance to pick up the latest exhibitor “loot”!
This year’s conference includes an Exhibit Hall with exceptional service providers --- from legal services and educational institutions to top-notch HR consultants and ancillary benefits experts. The Tattered Cover will also be on hand so you can pick up the latest must-read books and resources. Come network with the people whose job it is to make your job easier!

8. An ENFP told you it would be FABULOUS to learn about the use of psychometric tools in the hiring process.
Ever feel like recruiting is like a revolving door and having trouble finding candidates who “stick”??? Nora Burns, SPHR (yup, that's me) will review the use of personality profiles as a consideration in the hiring process. Learn if and when to use personality profiles in your talent acquisition process for improved results.

7. Disney Institute will be there! Disney!!
In the morning keynote session Scott Milligan, SPHR will share proven, valuable insights on “Recruiting & Retaining Employees, Disney Style” that you can put to work in your own organization. This is your chance to learn proven Disney business philosophies developed by Walt Disney himself that have benefited over half of the Fortune 100 companies. Get ready to be inspired, motivated and entertained!

6. Everyone likes to hear two words: free food.
Your registration for the day includes breakfast, lunch and the famous CHRA afternoon dessert bar. This year’s dessert lineup includes Epicurean’s delicious “silver spoon bites” with strawberry shortcake, bananas foster, raspberry fudge brownies, white chocolate truffle cake, and more. Don’t miss your afternoon sugar rush!

5. You've always wanted to know how to say ANYTHING to ANYONE.
Ever have a hard time coming up with the right words to say to an employee and drive the messages you intended? Shari Harley, MA will share the secrets for having those candid conversations that will lead to increased engagement, employee satisfaction and retention of your talent.

4. Tight budgets have you scrambling for creative, inexpensive employee recognition solutions.
Slashed budget holding you back from saying “thank you” and recognizing employee efforts? Tara Powers, MS will give you a variety of effective recognition techniques that can be implemented immediately without breaking the bank.

3. You’re pretty sure you’re supposed to know what EEO, AAP, ADA, FLSA, EFCA all mean—and what the latest legal developments are on each of them.
Laura Hazen, Esq, and Denise Kay, Esq, SPHR will walk you through the “Alphabet Soup” on the path to developing sound, strategic HR policies in a legal minefield. In a separate session we’ll also address the hot trend towards corporate social responsibility and the legal, ethical, and political issues affecting HR strategy.

2. You’ll get a FREE copy of Dr. Bob Nelson’s “1001 Rewards & Recognition Field Book”.
Best-selling author and internationally-recognized “Guru of Thank You” Dr. Bob Nelson will be giving the afternoon keynote address on “Creating a Culture of Recognition & Rewards” so you’ll hear the latest trends on this critical topic. In addition, you’ll walk away with your very own copy of the Field Book for future reference.

and the NUMBER ONE reason to attend the 2009 CHRA Conference…..

1. NETWORKING…’s not just for jobseekers anymore.
Well, it never has been…but that doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as nicely. There will be several hundred HR folks in attendance at the event from around Colorado as well as area experts in recruitment, retention and rewards. Networking with other HR practitioners at this one-a-year event will be well worth the time aside from the great sessions, speakers, and attendees.

Every aspect of the 2009 conference has been designed to give you practical information you can put to work to help your organization succeed in these challenging economic times. Don’t get left behind—register today!!

Visit for more details and to register.

See you at the Conference in January!!!

Wishing you the very best with ALL your endeavors,

Nora A Burns, SPHR

Twitter Tag!

ChrisRussell tagged me (via Twitter)....... to share seven random/weird facts about me.

It's an interesting concept, to tell virtual strangers...who are "virtual friends"....about yourself in a Twitter-Tell-All kind of way...but I'm almost always game for a game so here goes.

You should know the rules I have been instructed to follow (note, I have have not ACTUALLY committed to following them....).......

  • Link your original tagger(s) (in my case....ChrisRussell who you can also find on Twitter)
  • List these rules on your blog. (check!)
  • Share seven facts about yourself in the post - some random, some weird.
  1. This fall I traveled to Macedonia with Habitat for Humanity
  2. My dream vacation is an African Safari including a hot air balloon ride over Serengeti during the migration.
  3. My dreams are sometimes rather specific.
  4. I love my job.
  5. I am the youngest of nine...yes, nine and yes, all from the same two parents.
  6. Working my way through college included a stint as a 3rd shift press operator for the local shopping news (who could make that up??)
  7. I share my life with two insanely cute dogs (see photo for proof!)
  • Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs. (see below -- would have listed them here but the rules DO say to put them at the end of the post!)
  • Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or twitter. (check!)

Here are the bloggers I'm tagging...

Liz Ryan
Gina Schreck
Brad Montgomery
Sandy Durmont
Jennifer Murray - The Nimble Assistant
Steve Spangler
Gina LaGuardia

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Name Is Nora.....and I'm a Twitter Addict

It's official.  While I am late on the scene, having joined the Twitter craze less than 48 hours ago, I am already hooked.  

No, I'm not addicted to knowing who is going to the grocery store, the coffee shop and the bathroom (Seriously people --- note item #4 below).  I'm addicted to the knowledge sharing.  

A curious person by nature, I'm finding Twitter to be the equivalent of a 7-shot espresso.  This morning, compliments of Twitter-ers (ites, ies?), I learned:

....and so much more. 

People have information -- and they want to share it.  Twitter provides another opportunity for us to do just that --- in REAL TIME

Quick tips from one Twitter Rookie to another:

  1. Content vs Fluff Solution : It's all about who you choose to follow.  Find interesting people and follow them -- and look at who THEY are following since interesting people tent to follow interesting people. 
  2. If you use Mac....set up TwitterDeck to organize your twittering. 
  3. iPhone users visit the App Store and find "Twitterrific".
  4. Assume your boss, clients, professors, friends, family, etc will find you on Twitter.

Follow me on Twitter.......I promise not to tell you when I am on my way to the bathroom...well, except maybe on April Fools Day. 

Wishing you the best in all your endeavors, 

Nora A Burns, SPHR

Nora A Burns, SPHR is founder of Insightful Endeavors International (IEI), Inc.  A native of Wisconsin with 20 years experiences in Learning & Organizational Development, Nora currently resides in Denver, CO with her insanely cute Labradoodle Bella and Bella's sidekick Baxter.  

IEI specializes in building innovative, sustainable teams to drive bottom-line results.  We pride ourselves on being a top-tier resource for leadership development, team development and assisting organizations in finding innovative solutions.  

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Remarkable People

Last month I had the distinct honor of meeting Desmond Tutu. The evening was remarkable in itself and made all that more special by the fact that I shared it with my mom (standing between Demond Tutu and I in the photo).

I wish you could have been there…..we were at the VIP reception after the Archbishop’s talk…..the room was filled with excited chatter, the clinking of glasses and the laugher of friends. Reverend Tutu was mingling with guests. I had spoken with him earlier in the evening before his talk and now I had the absolute delight of introducing him to my mom. Upon completing the introduction I stepped back and drank in the moment. My mom (from rural Wisconsin) was shaking hands and chatting with Nobel Peace Prize Recipient Desmond Tutu from South Africa. A moment which will live forever in my memory ---- as I type this I can almost hear their respective laughs milling together. I wish you could have heard it …….

The paths of remarkable people cross each day --- in this case it was my mom and Desmond Tutu. Both people I admire --- with more differences than similarities --- and both remarkable in their own way.

The world is filled with remarkable people……some, like Desmond Tutu, have Nobel Peace Prizes….many more, like my mom, do not. Are you appreciating the remarkable people in your life?

More on the messages Desmond Tutu shared in future posts. I’m confident I will be sharing stories of the evening in workshops and keynotes for many years to come!

Wishing you the very best with all your endeavors,

Nora A Burns

Nora A. Burns, SPHR is Founder and President of Insightful Endeavors International, (IEI), Inc. A native of Wisconsin with 20 years experience in Learning & Organizational Development, Nora currently resides in Denver, CO with her insanely cute Labradoodle Bella and Bella's sidekick Baxter.

IEI specializes in building innovative, sustainable teams to drive bottom-line results.

Photo Note: Left to right.... Me - Nora Burns, My Mom - Ruth Burns, Desmond Tutu, My Friend - Penny Paster

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Important Things In Life......

This weekend my mother (who lives in Madison, WI) was visiting me in Colorado.

She and I are from different generations of course (she is my mother after all)! We are not separated by only one generation ---- I am the youngest of nine (yes….nine) and was born when my mother was 45. We are two generations apart, with my older siblings representing the generation in between.

It’s no wonder I’ve had a life-long appreciation for generational differences.

During our most recent conversation the topic turned to thank you notes. Seems my mother is a little annoyed at one of the grandkids (there are 23 of them) for not having sent a thank you note for a gift she sent months ago. In my mother’s words “There are probably five really important things to learn in this world…..and the importance of sending thank you notes is one of them”. (In all honesty I think she is more annoyed that her children have not passed on the importance of thank you notes to their children after she spent so much time focused on this with each of us).

In any case…this got me thinking ---- if I had to list the five most important things in life to be passed on to my children (or, since I don’t have kids….to my nieces and nephews)…what would they be?

Here’s what I came up with….

• Do what you love and love what you do --- it makes the days much more enjoyable
makes you a lot easier to be around during and after work!
• Be involved – in your community, neighborhood, school, etc.
• Experience new things – see the world, experience and appreciate new cultures
and different ways of doing things – broaden your horizons.
• Be a great friend ----- and it will be reciprocated.
• And…for the sake of my mother….send thank you notes.

I’d love to hear what you might include on your list – please add your thoughts via the comment section or contact me through

Wishing you the very best with all your endeavors,

Nora A Burns, SPHR

Nora A. Burns, SPHR is Founder and President of Insightful Endeavors International, (IEI), Inc. IEI specializes in building innovative, sustainable teams to drive bottom-line results. In addition to working with corporations and associations, IEI offers public workshops across the United States. Fall/Winter workshops are being offered in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and Wisconsin – registration is available here.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Henry the Eighth --- English Monarch or hit by Herman's Hermits?

Henry the Eighth --- English Monarch or 1965 muscial hit by Herman's Hermits?

Our generational ‘culture’ influences our interpretation of words, phrases, etc.

Each generation has been shaped by the events which occurred during their lives….particularly those which occurred during formative years….

Do you remember…..

• When construction began on the Berlin Wall in 1961?
• Sitting by the radio listening to news of John F Kennedy's assassination?
• Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster in 1986?
• The dismantling of the Berlin Wall in 1989?
• Your parents being laid-off from jobs they had expected to retire from?
• Watching television coverage of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995?

Experiencing events like these shape how we look at the world. Imagine witnessing these events at the age of 10 vs the age of 30 and the impact that experience would have on you as a result.

Last fall I was in Beijing with a friend (who has a different generational reference than I). As we walked through Tiananmen Square I was thinking to myself “this is where it happened 18 years ago...this is where ‘The Unknown Rebel’ had stood up to the tanks”….... I looked over at my friend and realized she had a very different perspective of this place.

This did not represent a massacre site to her --- she had not heard news coverage and seen photographs of the events of June, 1989 flash across the television screen.

We were looking at the same thing at the same time and having completely different experiences. Neither “right” nor “wrong”….just different.

Sometimes when I say “tomato” and you say “tomahto” we are, indeed, referencing different things.

An understanding and appreciation of our differences.....developing the ability to communicate effectively to benefit from these different perspectives is key to developing innovative and sustainable working relationships......which leads to enhanced bottom line results.

All my best,

Nora A Burns, SPHR

Nora A. Burns, SPHR is Founder and President of Insightful Endeavors International, (IEI), Inc. A native of Wisconsin with 20 years experience in Learning & Organizational Development, Nora currently resides in Denver, CO with her insanely cute Labradoodle Bella and Bella's sidekick Baxter.

IEI specializes in building innovative, sustainable teams to drive bottom-line results. In addition to working with corporations and associations, IEI offers public workshops across the United States.

Registration for Nora’s upcoming workshop “V+BB+X+Y=??? : Managing Multiple Generations” is available here.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hello, Hola, Dobar den, Ciao, Guten Tag!

For as many differences as there are across cultures and geographic locations, there are some things I have found to be consistent. In each city and town I meet mothers and fathers who love their children and want to provide a better life for them.....regardless of the language or dialect, there is always a word or series of words to say hello, please, thank you, you're welcome and it is nice to meet you.

Consistently, within any population there are those willing to reach out and help a complete stranger --- including those who do not look like, sound like or act anything like they do.

On my most recent international journey (which started in Denver and went through Canada, Germany, Hungary and Serbia to Macedonia), I met people who were willing to reach out their hand to help a stranger. Lifting a suitcase into the overhead bin, offering translation assistance in shops and kiosks, demonstrating how the beds of a sleeper car fold down, sharing their meal, providing directions...the list goes on and on.

For two weeks during this adventure I have had the distinct pleasure of working side-by-side with members of the Habitat Global Village Team (13 from across North America) as we partnered with volunteers from Macedonia to work on a home for a family in Veles, Macedonia. For the most part, the team members were strangers to one another having been introduced a few days or a few minutes before starting to work together.

Together this team dug trenches, cleared brush, loaded/unloaded lumber, cut re bar wire, etc. What a wonderful experience to be able to part of this incredible team and witness their interaction firsthand!

The team represented quite a mix.....
  • 22 to 76 years of age
  • Men & Women
  • First international trip to third passport in past fifteen years
  • MBAs and lawyers to high school graduates
  • Canadian, Mexican, American, Macedonian
  • No less than 5 distinct religions represented
  • Analytical, Social/Relational, Structural and Conceptual thinkers
.....and together we laughed, joked and worked in the heat of the Macedonian sun. All for the good of a family we met only a few days ago. And yet more than the family is benefiting --- we have all learned from one another ---- through our differences we built a stronger, more functional and innovative team!

It's amazing how much was accomplished by ~22 strangers working together.

Are the differences on your team drawing you together or forcing you apart?

Learn how to connect with those who have difference approaches to life in my engaging, energetic and insightful workshop "Meetings of the Minds : High Impact Communication Through Emergenetics" --- you'll be glad you did!

For a preview of Emergenetics and my facilitation style click here (or search YouTube for "Insightful Endeavors".

Wishing you the very best with all your endeavors,

Nora A Burns, SPHR

Nora A. Burns, SPHR is Founder and President of Insightful Endeavors International, (IEI), Inc. IEI specializes in building innovative, sustainable teams to drive bottom-line results. In addition to working with corporations and associations, IEI offers public workshops across the United States.

Registration for Nora’s upcoming workshops available here.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Finding the Silver Lining....the story of Joan & the woman who gave her the news.....

Early in my career (okay, okay, in the 1980s) I was brought into a Wisconsin-based Insurance Company to assist with a major corporate down/right sizing effort (19% of their workforce). An opportunity to put my text-book knowledge to work - an opportunity not to be passed up.

As a rookie I made a rookie mistake on this consulting gig -- I ate lunch in the company cafeteria. (No, the mistake wasn’t eating the food served in the cafeteria!) By eating in the cafeteria I got to know many of the employees personally--- I met husbands and wives who worked together, saw photos of employee’s children, learned about the child with Down syndrome, etc.

After a few weeks on the job I received the initial list of employees whose jobs would be eliminated. There I saw the names of the couples --- both jobs would be lost in one fell swoop. I saw the name of the delightful woman from accounting who was raising her grandchildren, and then there was the name of the mom of the five year old with Down syndrome. The names of the people on the list had personalities and I was now on an emotional roller-coaster ride as the realization set in that I would be delivering the news to these people that they no longer had jobs.

Intellectually I knew the jobs needed to be eliminated. I had seen the company’s financials and understood if the organization did not make significant cuts all jobs would ultimately be lost.

It was time to come up with a plan --- to find the silver lining.

My boss was gracious enough to hear my pitch ----- and to enthusiastically embrace it. We set aside a room by the “Personnel” area (I did say this was in the 1980’s correct?) for employees to work on their resumes and receive coaching on interviewing. A job fair was arranged and local employers, staffing agencies and government agencies were invited in to assist those who were losing their jobs. Within two months of lay-offs being announced over 80% of impacted employees had job offers from other firms. The silver lining was solidified. It may have been a rookie mistake to eat in the company cafeteria....AND it is what ignited an outsourcing program.

Several months later I was at a local grocery store when I heard my name being called (the really good thing about a name like Nora...when someone yells it in the mall or at a store there is a REALLY good chance they are talking to me).......I turn and see a woman behind the bakery counter frantically motioning for me to join her. “Nora!” she exclaimed “Hi!!!” “it’s me....Joan!”. Ah, I remember Joan -- she had been with the insurance company for over ten years and was working as an underwriter when her job was eliminated. My heart fell --- what was she doing here?

She went on to tell me, very excitedly, that getting laid off was the absolute best thing that had ever happened to her. When she went to work at the insurance company it had not been her intention to stay there more than a year or two....but with each passing year new and different financial obligations kept her at the job. She was content, liked the people she worked with and thought highly of the company as a whole. But her passion --- what she DREAMED of doing since she had been a little girl --- was to be a pastry chef!

She confessed that she would not have left the company on her own --- she was too comfortable and too logical. What was an emotional roller coaster at the time was the best thing that could have happened to her. She was now on her way to achieving her childhood dream and was happier than she could ever remember being as an adult.

If Joan can go from content underwriter to enthusiastic bakery apprentice YOU too can find the silver lining in any challenges life may throw your way! What are YOU passionate about --- and what can you do today to make your dreams come true?

Wishing you the very best with all your endeavors,

Nora A. Burns, SPHR

Nora is founder and President of Insightful Endeavors International, Inc. She works with corporations, associations and teams across the globe to understand how our differences (cultural, generational, personality, etc) are the keys to fabulous, innovative teams vs being barriers as we often make them out to be. To register for one of her public workshops click here!

Surviving No Man's Land

Later this month friends of mine will find out if they are part of a down/right-sizing at their company or if their jobs will remain intact. This is a challenging position to be in. Over the weekend we talked about the stresses they are experiencing while in “wait and see mode”. If you, like several of my friends, find yourself in this situation here is my (completely unsolicited) advice…

Be involved

No, I’m not suggesting you crash the Board of Directors meeting ---that would NOT be a great career move! I’m simply asking you to remember that it is YOUR life and you get to make choices. Do not allow life to happen to you without your involvement.

It’s possible the company will keep your position and you in that position --- doesn’t mean you don’t still have a decision to make. You make this decision passively every day you go to work – I’m suggesting you make it an active, conscious decision that this is what you want to do…and this is who you want to do it for. It will make a world of difference in your approach to work.

It’s the difference between I “have” to go to work and I “get” to go to work.

Don’t create invisible monsters

It is HIGHLY unlikely that you will, to quote the Chris Farley SNL skit, be “living in a van down by the river” if you lose your job. Don’t create invisible monsters. Focus on the real and plan accordingly.

True, this probably isn’t the best time to go on a major shopping spree or buy a new BMW..... AND… don’t need to be stocking up on canned goods in a Y2K kind-of way either!

Deal with what’s real --- it takes a lot less energy.

Be prepared --- it’s not just for Boy Scouts anymore

It’s always a good idea to have your resume up-to-date regardless of what’s going on. Why?....what if you run into someone at a networking event who shares that your DREAM JOB is available and the cutoff for resumes is that evening….you don’t want to be scrambling to put together a resume in that adrenaline-fueled moment!

It’s also a good idea to have one or two professional recruiters take a look at your resume to provide some feedback before sending it off in an attempt to land your dream job. The career fairs offer this opportunity, you may have friends in the HR profession, and you could look into a personal career coach – I have heard good things about Coach Joan ( as well as Coach Cogswell ( although I have not worked with either of them directly.

Be reduces stress considerably!

Find the Silver Lining

Talk to 5 people who have been laid off down/right sized in the past five years and I’m confident at least one of them will tell you it’s the best thing that could have happened to them.

Sometimes people will share that they knew it wasn’t the right job for them…….but they stayed out of comfort until they were asked to leave.

Other times people will share that they had a secret dream they had never pursued until life gave them the opportunity through being downsized.

What is your silver lining??


In a future post I’ll share the down/right-sizing story of Joan from Wisconsin…….Until then, know that you can and will survive “no mans land”!

Wishing you the very best with your endeavors,

Nora Burns, SPHR

Friday, September 26, 2008

What are your interests outside of work?

Earlier this month a friend was giving an update on his job search when he referenced the “what are your interests outside of work question”.

I had to ask ---- have you really been asked this question while interviewing? Yup --- he has.

Surely not in the past few years???? ---- Actually, he replies, last week.

Why? Why? Why?

Okay, I understand part of the “why” --- hiring managers think questions like “what do you do with your free time” and “what was the last book you read” provide insight into the psyche of the candidate. Realistically --- they don’t --- not in any type of reliable fashion. The BEST predictor of future behavior and success is past behavior…..not what three items a candidate would take with them to a deserted island.

“Tell me about a time you fundamentally disagreed with your boss or other person in authority on how to move forward with a project…... “ THAT will garner useful information! (…don’t forget about the follow-up questions).

Setting aside the lack of insight questions like “what color crayon would you be” provide, here’s another challenge ----- what if the interviewee responds with personal political or spiritual –laden information? Now you have information which you cannot legally use in your decision making process. Let’s say you don’t hire the person who just disclosed otherwise confidential, protected information….how would you prove you did NOT use the information in reaching your decision? (hmmmm….kind of like trying to un-ring a bell). It is, without question, a slippery slope.

The bottom line --- asking behaviorally based questions will improve your overall hiring process. Secure better hires, reduce legal issues and keep you from having to go through the hiring process every year for the same position by reducing turnover since you’ll be hiring the right candidate for the right job.

Save “What kind of tree would you be?” and “What’s your favorite movie?” for dating and pledging a…..for job interviews focus on behaviorally based questions that demonstrate essential competencies of the job.

All my best,
Nora B.

Nora A. Burns, SPHR is Founder and President of Insightful Endeavors International, (IEI), Inc. IEI specializes in building innovative, sustainable teams to drive bottom-line results. In addition to working with corporations and associations, IEI offers public workshops across the United States. Fall/Winter workshop registration is open.