Sunday, April 19, 2009

Raindrops keep falling on my head.......

We had more than the usual amount of precipitation in Denver over the past few days. Snow, Sleet, Rain – it was messy. It was perfect “stay in” weather.

Unfortunately the rain, snow, sleet also decided it was a good weekend to be “in” .........“in” my basement.


Earlier this week I read Ashley Andrus’ post on Denver about Kathy Stroh being stranded in Wyoming. Sometime after running the wet-vac, having friends come by with a back-up wet-vac, my neighbor adding apoxy to the outside of the house to keep more water from coming in, etc --- I flashed back to her post.

I was slow to realize the ‘Comic Vision’– but it was there.

Thankfully I discovered it before the water restoration guy showed up.

As he felt around the edges of the guest room closet I heard him grown as he discovered a new challenge to our clean-up….…. “Now that’s the sound you never want to hear coming from your doctor or your home contractor” I chucked out loud upon hearing that groan. Finally – my ‘Comic Vision’ had returned!

He laughed in response and said, “at least you have a positive outlook through this”. But I hadn’t. That ‘Comic Vision’ had not been present the previous five hours. I had been very stressed, sad and frustrated.

This relates directly to the components of Emotional Intelligence ---- Stress Tolerance and Impulse Control in particular. Had my Stress Tolerance been stronger my ‘Comic Vision’ could have found it’s way more easily. Instead, I had stacked up my "bummers"(watch the full video for more on that phrase)

Those hours immediately following the discovery of the flood in my basement could have been far less frustrating….and I a much more enjoyable person had my stress tolerance been stronger and my 'comic vision' in play.

A great reminder that regardless of the strength or weakness of our general EQ there is always room for improvement -- and it's important to always be aware of your 'Comic Vision'.

If you have not yet watched Tim Gard’s video regarding 'Comic Vision' I encourage you to watch it now – it is well worth your time! I'm going to go watch it again myself.....

May all your Endeavors be Insightful,

Nora A Burns, SPHR

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